Hi All,
We have been having some problems recently with how the timings work on the plugin.
Issue 1: Race Card timings incorrect.
This problem has occured randomly, it is probably due to our server altering the way they deal with timezones. I’ve manually adjusted things today, so now the cards should be showing as the correct time. If you see an incorrect
time on the main site, please use the backup site which is on a different server so doesn’t have this issue.
Issue 2: Selections times being incorrect
We still have an issue with selections reporting a time 1 hour in advance, this was caused by the recent clocks change. While we do have a function in place to alter the timezone of the racecards, unfortunately if we change this then the racecard will be incorrect, while the selections will be correct. I’ve instructed our tech guy to ensure all timings are correct for both cards and selections. I will update you on this as soon as its fixed.
Sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience.
Thanks Steve